Sunday, June 25, 2023

Quarter 4: The end


     In ICT 10 quarter 4, we learned about sitemaps and Microsoft Front Page. Throughout this period, I gained a deeper understanding of how to create sitemaps as well as how to develop web pages using Microsoft Front Page.

     At the onset of the course, the task of creating sitemaps seemed quite daunting. I had zero experience creating sitemaps before and navigating through the task seemed like it would be a significant challenge. But as the class progressed, I started to realize that creating sitemaps was merely a matter of breaking down complex web designs into simpler and manageable elements. We were taught how to identify the website's primary pages and subpages, and then connect the pages through links in a logical manner.

     The most challenging part of working with sitemaps was balancing simplicity and functionality. The temptation to add as many subpages as possible was strong, but it was paramount that we learned to make sitemaps that were easy to navigate for different users. Focusing on the user experience helped me refine my design and strike a balance between simplicity and functionality.

     Microsoft Front Page was also a challenging aspect of the course. It involved using HTML coding to create a web page from scratch. I had zero coding experience, but the lessons I learned in creating sitemaps came in handy. I learned to create web pages with a focus on user experience, ensuring that users can easily navigate through the website and access the information they require quickly.

     The biggest challenge in working with Microsoft Front Page was debugging errors in my code. This takes patience and persistence, which was something I had to develop while working on the project. I learned to pay close attention to detail and use resources such as forums and fellow classmates to help me find solutions to the problems I encountered.

     In conclusion, the experience was educational, requiring personal growth as both an independent and collaborative learner. I learned to create sitemaps with a good balance between simplicity and functionality to provide a useful and enjoyable user experience. Additionally, in coding with Microsoft Front Page, I was able to exercise my patience and persistence in debugging errors. The challenges I encountered taught me that the right resources, hard work, and persistence are key to developing practical skills in web design and coding.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Future I hope to achieve

Ever since I was a child, I have always had big dreams for my future. I have always been fascinated by the endless possibilities that life can offer, and I have always believed that with hard work and determination, I can achieve anything that I set my mind to.

As a young adult, I have many dreams and aspirations for my future. To me, success means achieving these goals and fulfilling my potential in life. My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and a successful engineer and make a positive impact on the world.



My ultimate dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and engineer. I have always been interested in business and in house planning or building and have been fascinated by the way engineers and entrepreneurs use their creativity, innovation, and hard work to create successful companies and houses and even a buildings that make a positive impact on society. I want to be a part of this world and contribute to it in my own way.

To achieve my dream, I know that I have to work hard and stay focused. I am currently studying in junior highschool and have been thinking of taking courses that will help me develop the skills and knowledge that I need to succeed in the business world someday. I am also thinking of joining activities that involved in various extracurricular , someday when time comes that will help me to develop my leadership and communication skills, which are essential for any entrepreneur and engineer businesses .

Aside from my professional goals, I also have personal dreams that I want to achieve. I want to travel the world and experience different cultures. I want to learn new languages and expand my knowledge of different customs and traditions. I believe that these experiences will not only broaden my horizons but also help me become a more open-minded and compassionate person.

In conclusion, my dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and engineer and will make a positive impact on society. I know that achieving this dream will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but I am willing to put in the effort to make it a reality. I also believe that achieving my personal goals will help me become a more well-rounded and fulfilled person, which will ultimately help me achieve my professional goals. 

“Let your actions be louder than your words and your dreams bigger than your fears.” ~ Invajy


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Future to achieve

 Ever since I was a child, I have always had big dreams for my future. I have always been fascinated by the endless possibilities that life can offer, and I have always believed that with hard work and determination, I can achieve anything that I set my mind to.

As a young adult, I have many dreams and aspirations for my future. To me, success means achieving these goals and fulfilling my potential in life. My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and a successful engineer and make a positive impact on the world.



My ultimate dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and engineer. I have always been interested in business and in house planning or building and have been fascinated by the way engineers and entrepreneurs use their creativity, innovation, and hard work to create successful companies and houses and even a buildings that make a positive impact on society. I want to be a part of this world and contribute to it in my own way.

To achieve my dream, I know that I have to work hard and stay focused. I am currently studying in junior highschool and have been thinking of taking courses that will help me develop the skills and knowledge that I need to succeed in the business world someday. I am also thinking of joining activities that involved in various extracurricular , someday when time comes that will help me to develop my leadership and communication skills, which are essential for any entrepreneur and engineer businesses .

Aside from my professional goals, I also have personal dreams that I want to achieve. I want to travel the world and experience different cultures. I want to learn new languages and expand my knowledge of different customs and traditions. I believe that these experiences will not only broaden my horizons but also help me become a more open-minded and compassionate person.

In conclusion, my dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and engineer and will make a positive impact on society. I know that achieving this dream will require hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but I am willing to put in the effort to make it a reality. I also believe that achieving my personal goals will help me become a more well-rounded and fulfilled person, which will ultimately help me achieve my professional goals. 

“Let your actions be louder than your words and your dreams bigger than your fears.” ~ Invajy


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Sunday, May 21, 2023

It all starts with me.

 "Change starts with me" is a phrase that highlights the importance of taking personal responsibility for creating positive change in the world. It suggests that in order to make a difference in any area of life, individuals must first be willing to change themselves.

As a teenager, I have come to realize the power of individual actions. So many times, we blame the world for its problems and shortcomings without recognizing the need for us to play our part in bringing about a change. The truth is, change starts with me, and this phrase has become a guiding principle for me as I navigate through life.

Adolescence is a fundamental stage in one's life. Teenagers are learning how to take up responsibilities and how to assert themselves as individuals. As we try to make sense of the world and find our place in it, we often overlook the impact of our actions on those around us and the wider society. However, making a positive impact on the world can be something as straightforward as cleaning up after oneself, refraining from bullying or spreading kindness through the simplest of gestures.

As a teenager, I have also witnessed first hand the negative impact that social media can have on society. Today, children and teenagers are spending more time online than ever before. It's become easy to hide behind a screen and bully people, disparage others' beliefs, and belittle their pain. These actions are counterproductive, contribute to a toxic online environment, and can have damaging effects on people's mental health. Therefore, it's essential that each of us recognizes a responsibility to make social media, and the real world, a better place.

The importance of small actions cannot be overstated. In a world that is rapidly changing, fixing large-scale problems can appear to be a daunting task. But it's the small actions that matter - recycling, volunteering my time, and taking the initiative to encourage others to do the same. By doing so, I am setting a precedence that can be continued and amplified by others. It's contagious. It's motivating to see people engage in positive actions, and it encourages others to follow suit, creating an unbreakable chain of positive actions and change.

In conclusion, I understand that the change I want to see in the world starts with me. The actions I take, no matter how small, matters in the grand scheme of things. Implementing change in myself and my immediate community will go a long way in making the world a better place. The world can be a better place if each one of us takes it upon themselves to be the change they desire.


Monday, May 15, 2023

ILY- Happy Mothers Day

 Mother’s Day is a special day that is celebrated to honor and appreciate the love, care, and sacrifice of mothers all over the world. It is a day to show gratitude towards the important women in our lives who have played a significant role in shaping our lives. The celebration of Mother’s Day has become a tradition in many countries, and it is observed on different dates depending on the country.

Mother’s Day can take many forms, from simple gestures of appreciation to grand celebrations. Some people choose to give their mothers gifts such as flowers, cards, or chocolates, while others prefer to spend quality time with their mothers by taking them out for dinner or going on a trip together. It is an opportunity to show gratitude for all the hard work, dedication, and love that mothers give to their families every day.

One important aspect of observing Mother’s Day is taking the time to reflect on the sacrifices that mothers make for their children. Mothers work tirelessly to ensure that their children are safe, healthy, and happy. They put their own needs aside to prioritize the needs of their families. It is important to recognize and appreciate the selflessness of mothers and to acknowledge the important role they play in our lives.

Another important aspect of Mother’s Day is recognizing the diversity of motherhood. Motherhood comes in many forms, and it is important to celebrate and honor all types of mothers, including stepmothers, grandmothers, adoptive mothers, and single mothers. Every mother is unique, and each one deserves to be appreciated for the love and care they give to their children.

In conclusion, observing Mother’s Day is an important tradition that allows us to recognize and appreciate the love and sacrifice of mothers. It is a day to celebrate the diverse and unique role that mothers play in our lives and to show gratitude for their tireless work and dedication. Whether through simple gestures of appreciation or grand celebrations, taking the time to honor and appreciate mothers is an important way to show that we care.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Labor day: Hard work and Dedication

Labor Day is a public holiday that is celebrated annually on the first Monday of September in the United States and many other countries around the world. This day is dedicated to recognizing and honoring the contributions of workers to the prosperity, strength, and well-being of their respective countries.

The celebration of Labor Day typically involves a range of activities and events that honor the contributions of workers. Parades and marches are common, and many workers' organizations and labor unions organize events to promote the labor movement and raise awareness about the importance of workers' rights. In addition, many businesses and organizations close for the day, and workers have the day off to spend time with their families and loved ones.

Another popular Labor Day tradition is the end of summer celebration. As Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, many people use the holiday as an opportunity to enjoy one last long weekend before the start of the fall season. Barbecues, picnics, and outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and boating are popular ways to celebrate the holiday.

Labor Day is also a time to reflect on the achievements of the labor movement and the ongoing struggle for workers' rights. While significant progress has been made over the past century, many workers still face challenges such as low wages, unsafe working conditions, and lack of benefits. Labor Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing need to fight for the rights of workers and to promote fair and just working conditions for all.

In conclusion, Labor Day is an important holiday that honors the contributions of workers to society and serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for workers' rights. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of the labor movement, to reflect on the progress that has been made.

Monday, April 24, 2023


Finally, the third quarter is over. I discovered that this quarter was simpler than the last. We're learning HTML during this quarter. And when I delved more deeply into the world of HTML this third quarter, it was a period of learning and discovery for me. I've learned about the CBR or the Community Based Research, including the components of
it like the title with subtitle, brief research description and etc. categories in community based research and others. Adding a background picture, background color, font properties, HTML image, link, and frames in the layout of our CBR was another skill I picked up. And as a result of my training and work experience, I've been able to use my knowledge and have a better grasp of the fundamentals of this potent web development language.

 This quarter, I've had a lot of difficulties adding background images, background
colors, and other elements to my activities. The tags are correct, I followed the instruction, I read the instruction very carefully and I read my activity several times to make sure nothing was miss, but I still can't get the desired outcome. I was
feeling frustrated at the time and wanted to stop the activity. But I am grateful to
my classmates especially our leader and our assistant leader when we are doing our Community Based research since they helped me find the solution, identify the issue, and maintain my composure. They helped us address the issue, and I've now finished my work. I discovered that some of my tags are incorrect and incomplete. This assignment taught me that the key to success is patience and calmness; getting frustrated and giving up too easily won't get you anywhere. The secret to resolving a frustrating issue is being patient.

     When these issues challenge me, I now know how to proceed in the future. I will always do my best to do more in the next quarter. I don't know if this quarter will
be tougher than expected, but I have to say that I will do my best to make the next quarter go well. Whether it is difficult or easy, i will be able to perform to the best of your abilities.


Monday, April 17, 2023

The day of love

The day of love. Whether we like it or not, it happens every year. Our romantic lives are on show on this day. It's possible for romance or calamity at any time. It can be intricate and convoluted, but at its core, it's all about love. Although Valentine's Day is observed in the majority of nations, several civilizations have created their own customs for this holiday. Valentine's Day is celebrated in various regions of the world as a day for showing love to family and friends rather than romantic partners. Other customs involve friends showing each other appreciation with small presents and candies for the kids. Millions of Valentine's Day cards are sent out every year, making romantic love the most popular Valentine's Day association. Couples spend quality time together and send gifts of flowers or a single red rose to their loved ones.

I spent my valentine's day in school with my classmates and teachers. Many thing happen in this day we got to surprise our teacher even with just a simple gift, a appreciation letter and a aimple song. My valentine's is not like other that they celebrate their valentines with their girlfriend and boryfriend but rather that i celebrate it with my family at home and friend at school. Valentines day does not only define love but also appreciations on what that person has done to you. Simple gifts can make me happy but i would love it to if we just show our love and appreciate to each other even just a small amount of time. Showing appreciation is enough but love is more than enough.

We all celebrate valentine's day with our love ones we just cant deny that sometime we are bitter when we see a couple hugging each other everywhere, even around the campus or outside the campus. I know you will also experience this not now but in the future. Just stay bitter from now and be clingy in the future. Spread love not hate. A celebration for love is finally done.

Happy Hearts Day 

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023


 The Lenten season is a period of spiritual reflection, penance, and self-denial in preparation for Easter. It is traditionally a time for fasting, abstinence, and acts of charity. During Lent, Catholics are expected to give up something they enjoy as a form of sacrifice and spiritual discipline. This could be anything
from food or drink to a favorite activity or habit. The goal is to focus on prayer, repentance, and self-reflection, and to grow closer to God. For non-Catholics, the Lenten season may not hold the same religious significance. However, it can still be a time for personal reflection and growth, and a chance to practice self-discipline and self-denial in pursuit of a goal or purpose. Some people may choose to observe a period of fasting or sacrifice during this time, even if it is not for religious reasons.

The Lenten season is a time of spiritual reflection and preparation for Easter. As a Catholic, I have observed Lent every year since I was a child, and each year, the experience is different. One of the most significant aspects of Lent is fasting. During this time, Catholics are expected to abstain from meat on
Ash Wednesday and all Fridays throughout the season, as well as to limit their food intake on certain days. Fasting is a form of sacrifice, meant to remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. It is also a way to discipline the body and focus on spiritual matters.

Another important aspect of Lent is prayer. Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass more frequently
during Lent, as well as to participate in other forms of prayer and devotions. Many churches offer special services during Lent, such as Stations of the Cross, which is a series of prayers and meditations on the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion.

Finally, Lent is a time for repentance and self-reflection. It is a time to examine our lives and our relationship with God, and to make changes where necessary. This may involve confessing our sins and receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, as well as undertaking acts of charity and service to others.

My own Lenten season experience has varied from year to year, depending on my personal circumstances and spiritual state. Some years, I have found it easy to fast and to focus on prayer and self-reflection. Other years, it has been more challenging. However, each year, I have found that the
Lenten season provides a valuable opportunity for growth and renewal, and I am always grateful for the experience


Friday, March 10, 2023


I have many different ideas about what it means to be a woman. It takes strength and assertiveness to be a woman while while maintaining kindness. It entails showing empathy and vulnerability to the people we care about without feeling weak in the process. In order to achieve our goals, we must push through any obstacles we may face along the path. Strong female support networks that inspire us to be our best selves play a significant role in achieving this. Being a 'woman' is multifaceted, complex, and frequently unfair. For me, my mother, my sister, and my friends have so many great qualities that I constantly inspire to model in my own life. That is challenging. However, being a "woman" is complicated, debatable, and frequently unfair. Being of that gender is challenging. The patriarchy, despite receiving criticism, is still a powerful force in society, holding us to absurd standards, pervasive gender conventions in our daily lives, widespread gender pay discrepancies, and. The issues that still confront us frequently make me angry and disappointed.

As the month of march came every year is declared as National Womens Month, this aims to give recognition to the contributions of Filipino women in our society and  to highlight women's achievements and discuss continuing and emerging women's empowerment and gender equality issues and concerns, challenges, and commitments. To recognize equality and to honor all the strong, intelligent, self-assured, creative, talented, and attractive women in the globe. There is strength in sexuality, femininity, and various perspectives and outward manifestations. We hear from women from all backgrounds, professions, and stages of life to better understand why this month is so important to them and to acknowledge our progress toward gender equality and recognize how far we still have to go. This month, we spotlight the accomplishments of women. This, in my opinion, significantly contributes to empowering one another—especially the younger generation—and helping males understand their position in society. This tell as the importance of womens. We are not just a woman but we are a women. 

No discrimination and have a gender equality, being a girl or a womens means you're not weak, you're not dumb or anything but you are a strong and beautiful gods creation, you are unique and you are who you are. Womes has everything and can do everything that men can also do, because they're not weak and they are strong. The national womens month " WE FOR GENDER EQUALITY  & INCLUSIVE SOCIETY" # WEcanbEquall

Reference: / Women month vertor art / dbijak / © 2023 Eezy Inc. All rights reserved

Quarter 4: The end

            In ICT 10 quarter 4, we learned about sitemaps and Microsoft Front Page. Throughout this period, I gained a deeper understanding...