Monday, April 17, 2023

The day of love

The day of love. Whether we like it or not, it happens every year. Our romantic lives are on show on this day. It's possible for romance or calamity at any time. It can be intricate and convoluted, but at its core, it's all about love. Although Valentine's Day is observed in the majority of nations, several civilizations have created their own customs for this holiday. Valentine's Day is celebrated in various regions of the world as a day for showing love to family and friends rather than romantic partners. Other customs involve friends showing each other appreciation with small presents and candies for the kids. Millions of Valentine's Day cards are sent out every year, making romantic love the most popular Valentine's Day association. Couples spend quality time together and send gifts of flowers or a single red rose to their loved ones.

I spent my valentine's day in school with my classmates and teachers. Many thing happen in this day we got to surprise our teacher even with just a simple gift, a appreciation letter and a aimple song. My valentine's is not like other that they celebrate their valentines with their girlfriend and boryfriend but rather that i celebrate it with my family at home and friend at school. Valentines day does not only define love but also appreciations on what that person has done to you. Simple gifts can make me happy but i would love it to if we just show our love and appreciate to each other even just a small amount of time. Showing appreciation is enough but love is more than enough.

We all celebrate valentine's day with our love ones we just cant deny that sometime we are bitter when we see a couple hugging each other everywhere, even around the campus or outside the campus. I know you will also experience this not now but in the future. Just stay bitter from now and be clingy in the future. Spread love not hate. A celebration for love is finally done.

Happy Hearts Day 

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  1. Happy hearts day, Caisy! As what you've said in your blog, spread love not hate!

  2. Continue to spread love, Caisy!!


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