Friday, March 10, 2023


I have many different ideas about what it means to be a woman. It takes strength and assertiveness to be a woman while while maintaining kindness. It entails showing empathy and vulnerability to the people we care about without feeling weak in the process. In order to achieve our goals, we must push through any obstacles we may face along the path. Strong female support networks that inspire us to be our best selves play a significant role in achieving this. Being a 'woman' is multifaceted, complex, and frequently unfair. For me, my mother, my sister, and my friends have so many great qualities that I constantly inspire to model in my own life. That is challenging. However, being a "woman" is complicated, debatable, and frequently unfair. Being of that gender is challenging. The patriarchy, despite receiving criticism, is still a powerful force in society, holding us to absurd standards, pervasive gender conventions in our daily lives, widespread gender pay discrepancies, and. The issues that still confront us frequently make me angry and disappointed.

As the month of march came every year is declared as National Womens Month, this aims to give recognition to the contributions of Filipino women in our society and  to highlight women's achievements and discuss continuing and emerging women's empowerment and gender equality issues and concerns, challenges, and commitments. To recognize equality and to honor all the strong, intelligent, self-assured, creative, talented, and attractive women in the globe. There is strength in sexuality, femininity, and various perspectives and outward manifestations. We hear from women from all backgrounds, professions, and stages of life to better understand why this month is so important to them and to acknowledge our progress toward gender equality and recognize how far we still have to go. This month, we spotlight the accomplishments of women. This, in my opinion, significantly contributes to empowering one another—especially the younger generation—and helping males understand their position in society. This tell as the importance of womens. We are not just a woman but we are a women. 

No discrimination and have a gender equality, being a girl or a womens means you're not weak, you're not dumb or anything but you are a strong and beautiful gods creation, you are unique and you are who you are. Womes has everything and can do everything that men can also do, because they're not weak and they are strong. The national womens month " WE FOR GENDER EQUALITY  & INCLUSIVE SOCIETY" # WEcanbEquall

Reference: / Women month vertor art / dbijak / © 2023 Eezy Inc. All rights reserved

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