Sunday, May 21, 2023

It all starts with me.

 "Change starts with me" is a phrase that highlights the importance of taking personal responsibility for creating positive change in the world. It suggests that in order to make a difference in any area of life, individuals must first be willing to change themselves.

As a teenager, I have come to realize the power of individual actions. So many times, we blame the world for its problems and shortcomings without recognizing the need for us to play our part in bringing about a change. The truth is, change starts with me, and this phrase has become a guiding principle for me as I navigate through life.

Adolescence is a fundamental stage in one's life. Teenagers are learning how to take up responsibilities and how to assert themselves as individuals. As we try to make sense of the world and find our place in it, we often overlook the impact of our actions on those around us and the wider society. However, making a positive impact on the world can be something as straightforward as cleaning up after oneself, refraining from bullying or spreading kindness through the simplest of gestures.

As a teenager, I have also witnessed first hand the negative impact that social media can have on society. Today, children and teenagers are spending more time online than ever before. It's become easy to hide behind a screen and bully people, disparage others' beliefs, and belittle their pain. These actions are counterproductive, contribute to a toxic online environment, and can have damaging effects on people's mental health. Therefore, it's essential that each of us recognizes a responsibility to make social media, and the real world, a better place.

The importance of small actions cannot be overstated. In a world that is rapidly changing, fixing large-scale problems can appear to be a daunting task. But it's the small actions that matter - recycling, volunteering my time, and taking the initiative to encourage others to do the same. By doing so, I am setting a precedence that can be continued and amplified by others. It's contagious. It's motivating to see people engage in positive actions, and it encourages others to follow suit, creating an unbreakable chain of positive actions and change.

In conclusion, I understand that the change I want to see in the world starts with me. The actions I take, no matter how small, matters in the grand scheme of things. Implementing change in myself and my immediate community will go a long way in making the world a better place. The world can be a better place if each one of us takes it upon themselves to be the change they desire.


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