Thursday, January 5, 2023

Merry merry christmas

 Christmas is a time to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe to be the Son of God. The word "Christmas" has its roots in the Mass of Christ. Also known as Holy Communion, Christians remember that Jesus died and rose from his grave. The "Mass of Christ" was celebrated after midnight, as it was the only Mass allowed after dark. People around the world celebrate Christmas today, whether they are Christians or not. It's a time for friends and family to gather and celebrate the great things that have happened throughout the year. People, especially young people, enjoy Christmas because it is the time to give and receive gifts. And it's a treat to enjoy the beautiful light show and the ubiquitous red and green emblems.

Christmas is one of the most significant holidays for Filipinos. Christmas is a holiday that Filipinos adore spending with friends, family, and loved ones. During this time of the year, Filipino families traditionally get together to celebrate, have fun, and do activities together. Also, Filipinos have their own unique set of Christmas customs and rituals, which include: (1) putting up the "belen,"(2) hanging the "parol," (3) attending "simbang gabi (night mass)"; (4) indulging in and enjoyingtwo of the most well-known and cherished Christmas food treats, "bibingka" and "putobumbong" (both are variations of rice cakes) after the "simbang gabi"; (5) house-to-caroling (6)attending the Misa de Gallo (Christmas Eve Mass); (7) then the ultimate Christmas celebration of“Noche Buena” or the so-called “midnight feast,” (8) then the gift giving or exchange of gifts as away of celebrating the season of giving where everyone is just happy to receive and give gifts;and (9) last but not the least is the giving of “pamasko” (wrapped gifts or money) by godparents to their godchildren, which is something children look forward to all season long. But during the covid 19 pandemic we didn't celebrate Christmas like we celebrate now. Now that its new normal, we can do all the christmas activities that should be done during Christmas like the school chrismas program and many more, because of new normal we finally experience christmas program and we really enjoy it.

Christmas is very important to people and we are thankful that we finally experience a new normal celebration of christmas where we all can do the activities for christmas. We fully enjoy the new normal holidays with our family and friends, eat our noche buena, play some exciting game and many more. It is trully said that christmas can bring a happy and memorable time with our love ones. I know that some of us didn’t enjoy celebrating Christmas and new year because they lose their love one’s but I know that its Jesus plan for your family, move on and be happy because if you are happy they are happy. My christmas holiday is full of happiness and full of new experience together with my families and friends

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