Tuesday, November 8, 2022


                  Time flies to fast that 1st Quarter of the school year is finally done and i have learnt so much in our class. Honestly this first quarter is never that easy for me, days felt so long and tiring but we cant deny that this is just the beginning of our journey as a student this school year 2022-2023. Those months has been filled with many learning experiences and students including myself have learned various things about one another that we have never been able to understand. As a student these new learning experiences are the best thing that happen in those months that we are learning especially when we are together learning new things and helping each other about something that we cant understand. I dicover a lot of things that shocking me especially science, precalculus and ict topics. We are all glad that 1st quarter is finally completed because as we all know that everyone experiences difficulties with their studies and didn't prepare that much but this is just the beginning and it is all part of the learning process until we really come to the end.

             The problems/challenges I encounter  this first quarter is difficulty in remembering all the lesson that we tackle every single day because we have a 10 subject in one day so it is hard to remember all the thins we discuss, struggling in schoolwork, having a problem in concentrating in class if others and the surrounding is noisy and the biggest problem/ challenges that I encounter is the final exam.

              Moving on I will try my best to do all the things that I really have to do, working on my problem not only solving by myself but also asking others advice. I dont know what is going to happen this next quarters but I will try my best to prepare myself in every way. Second quarter is coming so lets move on and focus this quarter, lets forget the bad thing that happen in the first quarter because according to Martin Luther King JR. "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward"


  1. you're doing great! always believe in yourself and dont stress yourself too much!

  2. Don't stress yourself, Caisy. Good luck! <3


Quarter 4: The end

            In ICT 10 quarter 4, we learned about sitemaps and Microsoft Front Page. Throughout this period, I gained a deeper understanding...